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Audio and Video

For any broadcast medium, audio and video components play a vital role in the presentation and delivery of the news. In order to make this training coherent and smooth there are separated studios for providing audio and video training to the students.

Sound Studio

For acquiring a seamless audio recording, voice over and other sound related components, CJMC has Amadeus Symphony Studio, a sound recording studio with Protocols, Logic pro X software and technical facilities such as on location sound, dubbing and Foley.

Chroma Studio

A well-equipped chroma studio with all the indispensable equipments like teleprompter, microphones, cameras, professional lights, editing bay and production control system are available to provide hands on training for anchor shoots and to report 'live' from anywhere and everywhere, in the shortest possible time.

Preview Theatre

For previewing the process, you have been through while making your news bulletin, there must be a perfect place that will help you to spot the corrections or insert any desired changes into the bulletin. Chitrapati Dr. V. Shantaram Theatre is a preview theatre with 4k projection and 9.2.1 Dolby sound system to enhance the experience of the students in previewing their Audio-Visual practicals.

VFX & Animation Lab

CJMC has a special Lab for VFX and animation with Maya, After-effect and 3D max software for a seamless experience in practical training.